Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

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Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

Post by PsychedelicSam »

This recipe uses a Green Dragon extraction for the THC source called a solvent transfer instead of a direct extraction from reefer How you make your Dragon is unimportant as long as you have the potency. For those needing a guide, this is the one I use: Green Dragon Extraction

For this guide I've used raw unfiltered honey with all the pollen left (but not the comb or baby bees) instead of the normal stuff from the market that's been processed and filtered with all the real good stuff gone. It's a little thicker and made for a cloudier elixir with the pollen. This honey came from an avocado grove. However, after a while I've come to realize that the processed honey is actually better for this because it doesn't become as thick with the solvent transfer and thus, is easier to manage for dosing.

1) Beginning ingredients. The jar on the left is my larger batch of GD. Using a graduated measuring cup.
Solvent transfer honey2.jpg
Solvent transfer honey2.jpg (69.39 KiB) Viewed 39931 times
2) Starting with the amount of honey I want to make for a 1:1 potency ratio, about 2.5fl oz. This amount is totally up to you.
Solvent transfer honey1.jpg
Solvent transfer honey1.jpg (68.83 KiB) Viewed 39931 times
3) Add a corresponding amount of GD, another 2.5fl oz in this case.
Solvent transfer honey3.jpg
Solvent transfer honey3.jpg (69.82 KiB) Viewed 39931 times
4) I used this setup to illustrate how easy it is to do with normal household items instead of fancy equipment. Just be sure to do this step in a ventilated area. I poured it into a ceramic coffee cup and placed it on my mug warmer to evaporate fully. Since this isn't a very hot source and the honey is on the bottom, it does take a while for the 2.5 ounces of Green Dragon to evaporate, about 2 hours, but it didn't need a lot of attention, just some stirring occasionally. When the alcohol is gone and the small bubbles have stopped, the elixir is ready. The dark, thick substance to the left is the final honey elixir. For this batch I added a cap full of vanilla and it turned out great, but flavoring isn't needed. I've used vanilla and orange but now I just use it Dragon flavored. I also want to emphasize that the appearance of the final product is due to the raw honey. Processed honey is amber and clear. These are older pictures and I'll update them the next time I make some.
Solvent transfer honey4.jpg
Solvent transfer honey4.jpg (73.56 KiB) Viewed 39931 times
5) Final step of bottling and storing. I use amber bottles and vials for this. I can say that the honey will last at least 3 months refrigerated. It may last longer but I've never kept any longer. And it seems to get better as it ages. It's a good idea to keep a bottle on the shelf for everyday use so that it's not so thick.
Solvent transfer honey5.jpg
Solvent transfer honey5.jpg (63.62 KiB) Viewed 39931 times
Whatdya think? Easy, peasy, heh?
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Re: Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

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So how many doses do you get with 2.5 oz/each GD and honey? 1 teaspoon per dose or...?
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Re: Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

Post by PsychedelicSam »

GrowTutor » Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:58 pm wrote:So how many doses do you get with 2.5 oz/each GD and honey? 1 teaspoon per dose or...?
I get more than 20 doses per ounce or about a ml per dose maximum. Because the honey is a thicker medium, you get fewer doses per ounce than you would with a lighter specific gravity like alcohol or glycerin, but there is also more THC infused in the same volume so the dose could easily be halved. I use a dropper or milliliter as a dosage level mainly for the ease but I would expect a person to determine their actual dose. A teaspoon would be way too much since it is 5ml and that would have you on your butt for a while. And it will all revolve around the potency of your Green Dragon. My Dragons only require a few drops per dose, but that's the way I like it. :)

This is a great way to medicate sublingually as well as in hot drinks or smoothies or milk shakes or in recipes for candy or ice cream.
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Re: Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

Post by GrowTutor »

Yeah, I can see somebody adding a glop to their coffee or tea to sweeten it and get a big surprise if they don't know how much a dose is. ;)

Could you use RSO and skip the rest of the reduction or does the whole thing need to get mixed first so it's evenly distributed?
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Re: Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

Post by PsychedelicSam »

You can use RSO as long as you know your dose. I have done that when working with MS patients who needed ways to use the oil and that was one of the ways, but when you dissolve the oil into the honey, you'll still need to warm it so that the oil will bond evenly. It doesn't take long. However, I would only do that for small amounts, a fluid ounce or less. While using the RSO saves a step, if you're making the RSO yourself that step still has to be taken to make it. Many times RSO from a dispensary or elsewhere isn't decarbed and that would need to be done with it before making your honey. :)
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Re: Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

Post by GrowTutor »

Yeah I could see how the GD could thin down the honey allowing everything to mix well with a good stir/shake and then reduce so perhaps it's best to have variety in consumption. Flowers, extracts, edibles, GD, RSO etc... ;)

Personally, I like the idea of edibles for portability and it's nice to eat a nice snack every few hours anyway so might as well combine them. I just haven't found the right snacks yet. ;)

I'm intrigued with RSO and activated vs non-activated differences in extracts/tinctures so I know I'll be experimenting with my limited heat ideas for non-psychoactive versions.
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Re: Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

Post by PsychedelicSam »

GrowTutor » Sat Dec 14, 2013 6:51 pm wrote:Yeah I could see how the GD could thin down the honey allowing everything to mix well with a good stir/shake and then reduce so perhaps it's best to have variety in consumption. Flowers, extracts, edibles, GD, RSO etc... ;)

Personally, I like the idea of edibles for portability and it's nice to eat a nice snack every few hours anyway so might as well combine them. I just haven't found the right snacks yet. ;)

I'm intrigued with RSO and activated vs non-activated differences in extracts/tinctures so I know I'll be experimenting with my limited heat ideas for non-psychoactive versions.
I'm a firm believer in variety, especially with cannabis products, to keep the "palate" clear and fresh. I may start my day with tincture of some sort, then a little smoke, a couple of edibles through the day, ending with the RSO. The RSO doesn't dissolve into everything. I have a similar process as this one using agave nectar, but the oil won't mix with it, no matter how warm you get it. It won't mix with glycerin, either, but it will with coconut oil. I've learned over time now about when it's best to use GD or RSO. I used to use a solvent transfer for my coconut oil but now I use the RSO because it is easier with that. I still like the transfer for honey, though. :)
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Re: Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

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You could try using lecithin as an emulsifier if you want to mix things that don't want to mix. If you're not anti-lecithin. ;)
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Re: Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

Post by PsychedelicSam »

GrowTutor » Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:41 pm wrote:You could try using lecithin as an emulsifier if you want to mix things that don't want to mix. If you're not anti-lecithin. ;)
I'm not a fan of lecithin. I use it if I'm making something for someone with digestive issues for bioavailability purposes but that's mainly so the cannabinoids make it to the liver for conversion and I mainly use that with lipids, not tinctures that might be used sublingually. The RSO is not very bioavailable on its own. If ingested alone, the oil has a tendency to pass out of the system without being fully absorbed and that is one of the reasons I prefer to make my honey with GD instead. :)
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Re: Infused Honey Elixir - Dragon Style

Post by GrowTutor »

Odd, RS says to eat the RSO raw and he says it cures everything except stupid. Sounds like it's being absorbed if it's curing stuff. What kind of things would you use RSO instead of GD?

How does that honey taste once reduced? I'm sure that it's still sweet but is it actually good or does it taste like weird/off honey that's good enough to get down? Know what I mean? ;)
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