Apple Pie Extradinaire

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Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by PsychedelicSam »

Sammy's Apple Pie

I make an apple pie that is to die for. Neither Mrs. Smith nor Marie Callendar can come close to this apple pie. It's baked slowly with a lot of butter and sugar and it caramelizes the apples. I haven't made it in a while because I live alone now and don't have anyone to share it with but I plan on making one again this Thanksgiving just because I feel so good. After I make it, I'll post a picture. Oh yeah, I've won an award with it.
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Pie Filling Ingredients

8-12 Cameo Apples (depending on size) - Fujis or other baking apples will work,too
Bottled Lemon Juice
1 cup + ½ cup + 1/3 cup Granulated Sugar
2 sticks of real Butter, approximately

Crisco Classic Pie Crust Ingredients for a 9-10 inch Deep Dish Pie Plate

2 2/3 cups unbleached All Purpose Flour
1 tsp Kosher Salt
1 chilled Crisco Shortening stick or 1 cup chilled Crisco Shortening
6-8 tbls ice cold water
few cubes of ice

Directions for the Filling

Because this pie bakes for a long time, the apples will cook down more than the average apple pie. When filling the shell, the apple slices should be heaped about 3 inches above the top of the pie plate to insure that the top crust doesn't sink by the time it is fully baked. Apples bought in the fall and winter are usually larger due to being a fresh crop. Apples purchased in the summer tend to be smaller and more of them are needed to make a great looking pie.

Core and peel the apples, then slice into approximate ½ inch slices – thinner or a little fatter is fine. As each apple is sliced, place it into a large bowl of water that has had about a half cup of lemon juice added to it to prevent the apples from turning brown. As the bowl fills, stir the slices to ensure they all are covered.

When finished slicing, drain the apples in a colander but leaving them wet and return to the bowl. Add one cup of granulated sugar to the apple slices and sprinkle with about 2 tbls of ground cinnamon-just enough to provide just a hint of flavor and color. Stir the sugar and cinnamon throughout the apples and set aside while you make the crust, occasionally stirring them to distribute the flavors evenly.
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Directions for the Crust

Blend the flour and salt in a medium mixing bowl. Cut the Crisco into the flour mixture using a pastry blender in an up and down chopping motion until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs and small pea-sized pieces. Fill a small bowl with cool water (filtered, if available) and add the ice. The flakiness of the crust depends on the water being as cold as possible. Add the first 4 tablespoons of water (avoid the ice) over the flour mixture and stir into it using a fork to distribute the moisture evenly. Then add more chilled water 1 tablespoon at a time and mix until the dough is moist enough to hold together when pressed together. I have found that for me, seven tablespoons is ideal.

Shape the dough into a large ball, working in any moisture remaining on the bottom. No need to flour your hands for this. Then, divide the dough into 2 balls of equal size. Because of heaped apples, a larger surface area is needed for the top crust. Before rolling, flatten each ball into a ½ inch thick round disk.

Personally, I roll the dough between sheets of wax paper instead of on a floured surface to avoid any additional flour getting added into the dough and changing the texture of my finished crust. Parchment paper is equally as good and comes in a bigger sheet. The paper can then just be peeled off the top and placed over the pie plate as desired, then peel off the other side. Or, roll out on a lightly floured surface.
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Roll the bottom crust into a circle 2 inches wider than the pie plate. Transfer the dough to the pie plate, then center and ease it into position. Before filling the shell, roll out the other ball of dough to have it ready to put in place.
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By this time the apple filling has had the sugar and cinnamon distributed throughout and much of it has dissolved into the leftover liquid at the bottom of the bowl, especially if you've been stirring it while making the crust. This sugar and cinnamon liquid is the reason for leaving the apples wet when droining. It acts as a coating and soaks into the apples as it sits. Unfortunately, though, a lot of the original sugar and cinnamon is lost when it is drained. Drain the apples well in the colander this time then place them back in the bowl. To make up for the lost sugar and cinnamon, add another half cup of granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon to the filling and stir it well. Fill the bottom crust of the pie with the apple slices Fill heaping full of apples, packed tight. Then, sprinkle another third of a cup of sugar and about a teaspoon of cinnamon over the top of the apples. Cut the butter into thin slices and place them evenly on top of the filling.
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Place top pie crust on, pressing edges down with fork or fingers to assure a leak-proof crust. Slice two holes in the top of the crust around the edges, Place in a preheated oven set at 325º degrees. Bake the pie on a cookie sheet with sides because the butter will leak out during baking. Bake for approximately three hours. The apples will caramelize with the sugar and butter. Cool to room temperature before serving. Enjoy!! :)
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Last edited by PsychedelicSam on Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by PsychedelicSam »

Final product. I have other recipe pictures but can't edit the recipe any longer to insert them where needed. Oh, well. :)
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Re: Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by SisterMaryElephant »

PsychedelicSam » Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:20 pm wrote:I have other recipe pictures but can't edit the recipe any longer to insert them where needed. Oh, well. :)
Try again... ;)
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Re: Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by PsychedelicSam »

SisterMaryElephant » Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:51 pm wrote:
PsychedelicSam » Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:20 pm wrote:I have other recipe pictures but can't edit the recipe any longer to insert them where needed. Oh, well. :)
Try again... ;)
Thank you.
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Re: Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by Heisenberg »

Thank you!
Wow that's alotta butter
Gonna have to try this recipe it looks like a guaranteed winner
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Re: Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by Happyweedz »

Hey Heis, I'm betting on it.....

I am making one of these this AM to bring to Christmas dinner at my Mom's tomorrow! Just on a smoke break now...peeling apples SUX!

In the time I have known PSam, I have learned a few things about him.... One is that if he puts it out there for others to share, you can count on it!! To me anyways, Sam has been a great find...and if you follow Sam and stumble, you can bet he is gonna grab your hand and get you to the finish...if he can. Soooooooooo many thanx Sam!! Again!

NOT to take anything away from SME..GT, RkyMan, yourself, and a few of the others at the other site....You've all been great!! Without your comments and help I wouldn't be able to take pics like this one....hahahahaha You are all least by me.

And I wish you ALL a very wonderful, safe, happy & healthy Holiday Season!( Filled with psychoactive adventures, if you so desire!!LOL)

Best Wishes to all.....

HappyWeedz 8-)
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Re: Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by PsychedelicSam »

Happyweedz » Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:25 am wrote:Hey Heis, I'm betting on it.....

I am making one of these this AM to bring to Christmas dinner at my Mom's tomorrow! Just on a smoke break now...peeling apples SUX!

In the time I have known PSam, I have learned a few things about him.... One is that if he puts it out there for others to share, you can count on it!! To me anyways, Sam has been a great find...and if you follow Sam and stumble, you can bet he is gonna grab your hand and get you to the finish...if he can. Soooooooooo many thanx Sam!! Again!

NOT to take anything away from SME..GT, RkyMan, yourself, and a few of the others at the other site....You've all been great!! Without your comments and help I wouldn't be able to take pics like this one....hahahahaha You are all least by me.

And I wish you ALL a very wonderful, safe, happy & healthy Holiday Season!( Filled with psychoactive adventures, if you so desire!!LOL)

Best Wishes to all.....

HappyWeedz 8-)
Thanks, Happy. Since your baking this today, let me give you a tip that I think I forgot to add to the recipe. When you first put it in the oven place some aluminum foil or an edge cover on the edges of the pie so that they don't burn due to the long bake time. Take it off about 45 minutes before the pie is finished so that the edges can brown. :)

By the way, Heisenberg, it is a lot of butter but most will wind up on the cookie sheet underneath it. It's necessary for the caramelizing of the apples but it isn't something you'd want a lot of if you're on a diet. I have to give most away so that I don't get fat(ter).
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Re: Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by Happyweedz »

Hey Sam,

From a little baking experience in the past I had run into the burnt edges....I love making home-made turkey pot pie in the cooler weather.

While I was at Wally-World the other week, after Thanksgiving, I came across these "reusable" foil rings just for shielding the edges of a pie. They were in a 3 pac for like $2...they worked great for the pot pies I made with leftover I am using them on this go as well! If this proves to get messy I may not be reusing them

Another thing I am trying....I like trying different... I sprinkled a handful of chopped pecans over each pie, about midway thru layering....just cuz I had some.

I had enough ingredients so I made two!! Here they are being prep'd and going into the oven....

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Thanx so much for the recipe!!

Happy Holidays!!

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Re: Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by GrowTutor »

Sweet...literally... ;)
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Re: Apple Pie Extradinaire

Post by PsychedelicSam »

Those look great, Happy, and those pecans should add a nice flavor, especially after cooking in that butter for so long. I have a suggestion for the next time, though, if you like it. You should pile the apples higher in the pie, as high as you can, because with the long baking time the apples will really cook down and you need enough apples to keep it from sinking as much.

You're going to love the crust, both top and bottom. Because of the long, slow baking time, the crust actually has time to bake and isn't soggy like a lot of pie crusts. The pie is best a little warm as opposed to cold but is delicious either way. I can never seem to take the time warm it once I get it on my plate because I want to just scarf it down.

I just noticed something, Happy. Put those pies on a cookie sheet or something else with an edge. The butter and juices will come bubbling out and get everywhere. That foil won't hold it, especially 2 but not even 1, unless you make an edge. And make sure it catches all the edges of the pie. It can be messy otherwise. ;)
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